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Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Perpetual Non-Live Webinars - Good Or Bad?

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On a webinar, you are a live presenter. People join a webinar and on their screen, they see exactly what you see on your screen. This means you can use a webinar to broadcast a presentation by starting up a PowerPoint slide show, and running it in full screen.

Even though the great thing about webinars is that you can talk to a person as if they were right there with you, looking over your shoulder at your screen, people still try to screw it all up... especially when they run these things called "perpetual webinars."

Here's the idea: you sell a lot better on a live webinar, right? So why not record the webinar once, then play it back later at a given time... so you have the same effect of a webinar, but with none of the work of being there and talking live? This is the problem with faking your webinars... having webinars that aren't live, but look like they are: you are a liar.

I've seen quite a few webinar marketers go to extremes with this. Even the ORIGINAL webinar recording wasn't live. The names of attendees they're responding to are made up. The webinars are shot in such a way that they reference dates like "Thursday" or "last Monday" but never the date, month or even the year.

I'm on a few marketers' lists where their autoresponder sends me an email every Thursday telling me about the next "live webinar"... except it's not LIVE!

You have two choices: you could pretend it's live and be a liar (and hope someone isn't on your list under different email addresses, because the email follow-up sequence will send them to the same "totally live" fake webinar on two different dates.

Or, the other choice: tell them upfront that it's pre-recorded... and now you're showing them the equivalent of a "non fast forward" video.

Are you starting to see how pointless and silly the perpetual webinar model is? It makes a lot more sense to present live, that way you can adjust your presentation and improve it. You can overcome questions and objections immediately when people ask them. You can reward people for buying or make an announcement the second someone buys into your extended training. Even if you aren't pitching at the end, it's a better teaching style.

Just keep it simple... and present your webinars live, seriously. You can use the practice. You can still record webinars and post replays, but this way you aren't being deceptive.

More training on how to do this right here:

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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