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Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

How to Create a Webinar

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Creating a webinar is similar to the preparation that is needed for a live seminar A good webinar, like a good lecture, involves a lot of serious planning before the person faces their actual audience.

In recent years webinars have been given a lot of positive press and although they are not difficult to create, they can be time consuming. You can run a webinar in the same way as you would run an ordinary lecture. Students need to have read certain material and hopefully, by the end of the webinar will have acquired new skills.

Your planning should be laid out in your objectives and learning at the seminar can be increased It's a good idea to settle on a budget for your webinar that takes into account the cost of the Webinar software. You will soon discover that webinars are a much more cost effective way of dealing with staff training and development and for gathering together employees from many different locations.

As business owners realise the effectiveness of webinars in terms of time and cost. It is much cheaper to conduct webinars that are visible to all of your employees and it also makes better use of employee's time as they are not spending hours traveling to seminar. If you are going to create a successful webinar then in your plan you may want to include ideas for having speakers deliver part of the message. You may also want to think about using co-presenters and to identify the websites that you may want your audience to look at as part of the webinar.

You may also need to think about the processes of promotion and getting participants informed of the seminar. A webinar may take a bit more planning than the usual seminar as you are relying on technology to put your plans into practice. Webinars, just like seminars, benefit from feedback and from surveying what aspects of a particular presentation participants enjoyed the most. You may find that a particular theme or phrase stands out from the rest of the webinar and may be useful in future presentations. It is possible to build a whole webinar around a particular phrase that has caught people's attention.

When you first start using webinars for training and development it takes time to get used to the new media, just as a few years ago everyone had to get used to the idea of taking their material with them for Power Point presentations in a different location. You may have to work the first few seminars gathering as well as giving out information. It is well worth letting senior sales team members conduct webinars from time to time as they can use it to improve their own selling performance.

Webinars are a good way to ensure that your company workforce is better informed about current business practice than those of your competitors.

If you are looking for a reliable and affordable webinar provider we recommend GoToWebinar. For a detailed review as well as more information on the webinar software, visit

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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