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Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

What Happens If a Student Cannot Attend A Live Online Webinar

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One of the best ways to teach a course and to help someone learn something is to do a live training session through a webinar. However, because webinars are live, some people will not be able to make it. What can you tell people, who cannot come to a live webinar event?

You, have a few options. You can either send them a replay, or tell them that you are sorry and you only do live webinars, or replay it in the paid members area of your website. To help you achieve this, you can record your webinar, and doing this is easy.

One of the more popular webinar services, that is available is: GoToWebinar recordings, and they will most likely have built in recording devices in their programs. All you need to do is hit the record button, to record the live event.

If you happen to be new to the system, and are still needing a webinar, you should make a replay of the webinar and give it to the public for free. Or alternatively if you are taking the class and asking for money for the course, then you should probably put the replay inside the members area. However, if you are doing the webinar's for free, and you already have some sort of following, you can take a different approach, you can tell them they cannot access the replay.

The best response that you will receive from students, is if they are sitting there and watching you live, while you present to the class. As it is a live setting, anyone can ask you questions, and you can tackle them quickly. As it is live, people will sit and listen because it is in real time, and they will not be able to fast forward and miss something that you have said.

You should ensure and enforce, that your students attend all the webinars when they are live, instead of waiting around for the replay to appear. That's why you should not really offer any replay to anyone, and especially to those who haven't brought the lessons from you. Which gets me to the last point, for those who cannot attend the webinar live, have them pay for the replay instead.

For example, if you are conducting a class, that is a free webinar, you can promote for a paid class. You can conduct this for free and then also teach them something, and put in the pitch for your extra paid classes. Then you can have the recording, and put it with the paying class, for the extra value of it. This webinar has now become, like an extra bonus.

If people want to attend the webinar live, they can receive that information for that extended webinar. However, if they want to watch the webinar, and have missed it, they will have to join up and pay to access the recording. So, if people say that they are not able to make it to a live recording, it will be up to you whether to offer them a replay or not, or post it in the member paid area.

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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