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Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Why Some People Almost Always Lead Perfect Webinars - Now You Can Too If You Know These Seven Tips

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Webinars (web based presentations or seminars) are hot tickets these days. They are popular and can be a powerful way to gain customers. But - heck - I've been on some terrible ones. So here are seven tips that experienced webinar leaders always practice. Now you can too.

Sure Fire Webinar Tip 1: Welcome. Warmly welcome people as they log in. Don't look goofy as thought you're hanging around. Be at ease (you're the host, after all) and check if anyone is from overseas? Europe? Middle of the night? Wow1 That kind of thing.

Sure Fire Webinar Tip 2: Prompt start. In spite of No 1 above, don't take too long before you start. It shows you're in control and mean business. So three minutes past the hour? Get cracking. And get the housekeeping over - home phones off, pets in the yard, that kind of thing.

Sure Fire Webinar Tip 3: Introduction. SMILE! Introduce yourself and say why you're the best person to be leading this webinar! Maybe say where you are geographically. It kind of bonds people to you. And explain why the webinar is so valuable, relevant, useful, timely, and why you're excited. If you sharing with another partner, of course, weave him or her in deftly at this stage as well.

Sure Fire Webinar Tip 4: Webinar Layout. At this point give an overview: what you're going to be covering, what the objectives are, the format, the different stages and so on. And how long the webinar is going to be. Whether it will be possible to access the information later.

Sure Fire Webinar Tip 5: Technique. Develop beforehand the presentation/teaching style you want to adopt. What works for me is this: Ask a question to get people involved. Jot down ideas or themes on board or bring up Power Point slies prepared beforehand. Then make your first key point of distinction. And go through this three of four times through the webinar. And don't forget to summarise and weave it all together so participants "get" what theylearned and can apply it in their own situations.

Sure Fire Webinar Tip 6: Wrap up. Remember you may be racing against the clock at this point, so make certain you have this taped up where you can see it and not forget. Give contact information (email / toll free line etc) where participants can contact you. Point them to website where they can opt-in n to get information about more stuff from you. This is vital!! I always offer free notes for people to download (afer opting in, of course.)

Sure Fire Webinar Tip 7: Thank you's. Mean it. People have given up their time and stuck with you. Really go out of your way to endorse their commitment. Encourage their hopes and dreams. Validate them.

So there you have it. Seven sure fire tips that successful experienced webinar leaders always practice. Now you can too!

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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