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Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Converting Your Product Into a Webinar Explained in Three Simple Steps

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There are many good reasons for converting your existing products into webinars. Webinars generally have a higher perceived value than a written ebook does. That means you can sell them for more money. They also provide an excellent way for you to reuse information that you've already released. By presenting this in a different modality, you can capture a section of the buying audience who just isn't interested in reading an ebook. Plus, it can be very easy to convert between a product and a webinar. This article describes a simple three step process which you can use to do just that.

The first step is to identify exactly what you want to talk about during the webinar. For a typical 90 minute session, this might not give you enough time to discuss every topic in the initial ebook. You will need to leave time for questions as well, for which I'd suggest 30 minutes would be appropriate. This leaves you around 60 minutes for content. I'd suggest that this equates to around 30 pages of a typical ebook, less if you are planning to use demos. So, make sure you plan accordingly. You can always deliver additional webinars if you have much material than that, or you can make a webinar course.

The second step is to outline the webinar. Make a list of the exact topics you're going to cover in the order that they're going to be covered. A good way to do this is to start with the Table of Contents from the original product. If a topic has made it into the Table of Contents, it's probably suitable to be discussed for few minutes during the webinar. Work out a sensible order to go through this material in. If each header will take you 5 minutes to discuss, you need 12 of them, following the logic that I've already described.

The final stage is to create the presentation for the talk itself and then deliver the webinar. A simple way to do this is to just take each of the headers that you've identified and load them into Microsoft PowerPoint, one header per slide. If you add a few notes, you've got plenty of material ready to talk around. If you're experienced, you can manage without slides, just by basing this around screen demonstrations. Take questions during the webinar itself and you will soon fill your allotted time.

Be sure to breathe new life into your information products by holding webinars. You can deliver the same material, updated in some form, and also end up with a new product to sell. The webinar recording can be valuable in its own right. Just follow this three step process to produce your talk and identify the topics that you want to cover. You'll be holding high end webinars in no time.

You need to be using webinars in your business, but which do customers prefer, Products or Webinars? You can find out this answer, and many more at at Online Marketing Success, Thom Lancaster's blog, which is updated regularly to help you to succeed as an internet marketer.

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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