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Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Use Free "How To" Webinars to Promote Your Services

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In my latest article series, I have been discussing the four different webinar models. Webinar model number two centers around offering a free webinar to promote your service. This works great for a more complicated sale. In this type of webinar, you take an educational approach and teach your viewers how to do something. Then you offer your services if they do not want to tackle the issue themselves. A great example of an industry where this type of ?how-to? webinar would work well is the mortgage industry.

Continuing on with the example above of the mortgage industry, you might offer how-to webinars and teach people how to do their own taxes or how to do their own probate. Or you might educate them on how to choose a qualified professional. Then at the end of a how-to webinar, you provide the option of doing all of these things for them. Since you are educating your viewers on what a qualified professional looks like in this area, you would of course have to meet all those qualifications. You might offer the top ten things to look for in choosing the right person to work with. Your competitors; they meet five of these. You meet all ten. Of course, you must genuinely be able to meet all ten of these.

Another great slant on this type of webinar is to educate your potential clients on new regulations or rules. Think of how lucrative this can be for tax attorneys. If I am a tax attorney, at the beginning of each tax season, I can have a how-to webinar on all the new rules and regulations on this tax season. I can show them all to you in excruciating detail, and then you are welcome to tackle them by yourself or I will be happy to take care of your taxes for you.

How-to webinars are really underutilized right now in service related industries. Services could really use webinars. They could use to pre-qualify and educate, and to make the sale as well as secure new appointments.

So what are some examples of professionals that could use how-to webinars? Realtors showing several under-valued properties to a group of investors. Or realtors showing why they are the realtor to choose. Chiropractors or other professionals in the health-care industry educating their prospects. They would follow up by setting an appointment with them.

Insurance salesmen educating their prospects about the different kinds of plans. Show them all of the plans, and then explain why some are better than others for certain people. Then at the end of the webinar, you can offer a free one-on-one consultation for those interested in discussing which plan might best meet their needs.

I am all for one-on-one consultations. I know that is necessary in some industries. However, I am talking about pre-qualifying everyone before I set those appointments up. I am only setting up one-on-one appointments with people that are very qualified and are ready to buy.

This type of webinar would also work great for network marketers. They can show the product and the compensation plans and then sign up those that are interested in coming on board.

Even non-profit agencies can benefit from how-to webinars. They can use this type of webinar to educate potential donors on what they are all about and why they are a worthwhile organization to support and then at the end of the webinar direct potential donors to their website to make a donation. Can you see now that the possibilities are endless for promoting your services in just about any industry using free how-to webinars?

Stephen Beck enjoys teaching families how to make money online through business webinars. Pick up Stephen's free online business information at today.

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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