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Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Creating Your Webinar - 4 Easy Steps!

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Webinars are one of the most effective communication tools of all time. Imagine creating your own webinar and presenting your ideas, products, or services to hundreds (even thousands) of people at the same time! You are just a few easy steps away from maximum communication efficiency!

Step 1: Create a webinar presentation that gets people to take action.

Whether you are using the webinar to sell condos or to tell them you are the best dentist in town, every webinar should have a "call to action." That call to action could be "go to my web site and buy my product" or it could be "pick up the phone and schedule an appointment," but the goal of every webinar is to get the webinar attendee to DO SOMETHING! Never forget this.

So, create a webinar power point presentation that entertains, informs, and has a clear call to action at the end. What do you want them to do? Then tell them exactly what to do and how to do it at the end of your webinar! This is rule #1 in webinar development.

Step 2: Choose a webinar hosting company.

Choose a webinar hosting company that accommodates your needs and your budget. There are quite a few to choose from. If you anticipate less than 1000 attendees and you plan on doing several webinars in a year, I suggest using GoToWebinar.

Step 3: Set up your webinar.

Once you have chosen a webinar host, you need to know how to set up your webinar. The webinar host will have a set up page that will ask you for a webinar title, description, date, and time. It will also ask you to set up any polls or surveys.

Polls are a great way to generate interaction with your attendees. A good poll question would be, "What is stopping you from achieving success in (your topic)." You would show four obstacles and allow them to choose the most important obstacle to them.

This is a great way to get your attendees to admit they have a problem that is not easily solved. And when you show the results of the poll live on the webinar, it is great social proof that they are not alone and that many also struggle with this problem. They are also in a better place to ask for help by purchasing your products or services!

Another great tool when setting up your webinar is the exit survey. Ask them if they enjoyed the webinar and what was their biggest take-away from the webinar. This is a great way to generate instant testimonials for your webinar replay or even your next webinar.

Also, ask them if they would recommend your product or service to their friends and family. If they answer "yes," then pick up the phone and call them after the webinar because they have indicated they are a hot prospect and warrant a phone call!

Step 4: Upload your registration web page.

After you set up your webinar, you need to invite your attendees. You can use the generic registration page that the webinar hosting company gives you or you can create your own. I prefer to create my own so that I can control the look and feel of the registration page. This also allows me to differentiate myself from all the other webinars out there.

One million dollar tip: ask for full-contact information on your registration page. That way you can send them an automated phone message right before the webinar to remind them (they will thank you for this!). And if you have their mailing address, you can follow up after the webinar with postcards or sales material.

You can even get fancy and offer a slightly different offer for those who didn't buy the first time!

Using these steps will take you a long way in creating your first successful webinar. Best of luck!

Stephen Beck shows individuals and small businesses how to explode their sales using webinars! He invites you to an amazing FREE weekly webinar to discover tons of tips for creating webinars. Hurry, these fill up fast! Lock in your spot here:

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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