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Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Four Ways To Easily Increase Attendance To Your Live Webinar

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Normally, when you present a webinar, people get to see your screen, they also hear your voice also they have the opportunity to send their questions which you can respond to immediately.

However, a live webinar will be of no use if people don't show up. You will end up recording the webinar alone if people fail to turn up. It is good to have an audience and it's in fact better if such an audience is a targeted audience. To help you have a big audience, I suggest you put the following to mind: start on time, be committed and consistent, present clearly the benefits to be obtained from your webinar and replay scarcity.

First and foremost, what is the definition of replay scarcity? This is replaying previous webinar sessions in a current webinar session. When a webinar is made up of replayed versions, people who had previously attended will see no need to attend the current session. To avoid this, it is important to emphasize that replayed versions will be minimal and most of the presentation will be live.

Next, it is vital to start your webinar on time. If you start your webinar late, by lets say 5 minutes or 10 minutes, this won't be fine. By so doing, you are definitely training your audience to be always late for your webinar. Television shows for example always do start on time so it is important also for you to start your webinar sessions on time. Webinar training should also start on time so that the people who come late will learn the lesson that next time they should keep time.

The principal of consistency and commitment on your part will ensure that your webinar gets a huge audience. Show commitment by posting a blog post with the full information about the time and date scheduled for your webinar and ask the readers of the blog post to RSVP responding if they will show up. People always don't like to promise a thing and not do it. This confuses them. Your audience will surely not want to give you a promise confirming their attendance and then fail to show up. If they give you a promise they will attend, there is a high probability they will attend.

Finally, let your webinar be as exciting as possible. The title of the webinar in that first place should clearly show the audience that they stand to benefit by attending the webinar. Example, if you are teaching people how to make a video, this is surely not that exciting. However, with a title like "How to make a 2 minute video that generates traffic of over a thousand in a day," this will make the topic very exciting. When coming up with the webinar's title, always be on the shoes of the audience. The audience will want a webinar that not only offers information but offers a new bonus or a new skill.

The ways to have more people to attend your webinar are: minimize the replays, be committed and consistent, start and end on time and show the audience that they stand to benefit if they attend your webinar.

If you want more than 1000 people to attend your webinar, visit:

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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