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Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Empty Webinar Room? Three Traffic Cures Before, During, After Webinar

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Organizing a webinar is made easy with the web conferencing software that are available today. But the major problem of any webinar is to get targeted audience who are willing to watch and listen to the presentation and take appropriate action.

So what are the best ways to get traffic to webinars?

Here are some of the things you can do before, during and after the webinar.

1. Announce the webinar in advance

Before starting the webinar people have to mentally get prepared to sign up for it. They have to free up their precious time to attend the webinar that may go on for an hour or so. They will willingly do this if the topic being discussed is what they want to learn. they will do this if they know the person who is going to teach them is an expert on the subject. They will benefit more if they come mentally prepared to learn from the webinar.

All these points emphasize the fact that we should announce the webinar quite in advance. We should send one or two emails with a gap of two three days. In each email we should emphasize one aspect of the webinar.

It would be better to announce the webinar on a blog or news site. This will get people posting comments saying we are looking forward to the webinar. When are you going to announce the dates? If you get the participants to this level you can be sure they will not miss the webinar.

2. Announce a Webinar Gift

When it is nearer webinar date and when you send the email with the registration details of the webinar add the information that webinar participants will receive a special gift. There is no need to spell out what the gift is. It is good to keep them guessing rather than say too much and kill their enthusiasm. Some of the potential participants who were not sure whether to sign up or not will want to sign up for the sake of the gift. The gift could be a report, a free software, information about services that will help them speedup whatever is suggested during the webinar. Whatever is given during the webinar should have some relevance to the webinar topic. The topic discussed should be closely linked to the product being given away. This will add value to the webinar, get more traffic to the webinar and the participants will be ready to attend the next webinar without any hesitation.

3. Announce a Contest

The idea of free webinars may be to promote the sale of a product or service, to educate the company staff, to train participants of a membership site, and so on. Whether the webinars are conducted for religious purposes or internet marketing purposes, some of the basic responses of participants are common. Participants enthusiastically sign up for the webinar, at least 50% of them actively participate by asking questions and interacting with others. If the webinar had gone on well, they leave the webinar room with a lot of enthusiasm to get things done. Then they get back to their routines and 90% of the effort they have put in and the webinar organizer has put in is lost. To gain maximally from any webinar, the organizer should announce a contest at the end of the webinar. All the participants are automatically entered into the contest and a prize is announced for the winner.

This gives a valuable opportunity for the webinar expert to contact this group after the webinar is over. Again the contest and the pprize should be announced in blogs and webinar news sites. Announcing this in webinar forums is a great way to spread the message. The competition will go on for some time, then the prize will be announced and there can be a post from the prize winner about the webinar experience. This is a wonderful testimonial to the webinar that will get more people sign up for a similar webinar in future.

There are many more ways to get traffic to webinars and this article has dicussed three important traffic tactics that can be implemented before, during and after the webinar.

For free traffic ecourse and webinar news visit Get traffic to your webinars by announcing in web conferencing forum

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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