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Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Webinars Made Easy

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Time is precious and people are becoming time poor.

This has changed the way people learn. Preference is now for online video tuition, opposed to the traditional downloadable PDF format.

People are also becoming more 'green' friendly and wanting training content that does not include chopping down trees.

Downloadable videos are now more popular than ever however it does not allow for interaction from the teacher to the student.

Webinars have been around now for several years but have not reached saturation point because most people believe them to difficult to produce.

The popularity of Webinars has become easier with more courses and online training becoming more readily available. Excellent online courses are available from people like, Robert Plank and Jason Fladlien.

These guys have created over 300 hours of webinars and now giving away their secrets. Webinar Technology will enable you to bring together up to a thousand people in one place to teach, demonstrate, sell and interact - all without anyone leaving their home or office. These presentations include both video and interactive audio

Although Webinar Technology has advanced greatly, delivering the audio and video together through the Web it still lacks stability, however in most cases this is not an issue.

Webinars allow you to chat live with viewers, and see exactly which of your customers and prospects attend your live webinar. Imagine doing this for a sales presentation.

Not only can you see exactly which of your hot prospects attend your webinar, you can chat directly with them, answer inquiries live, and poll the group for valuable feedback.

Over the last few months many of my subscribers and customers have asked me basically the same question: "Who will benefit the most by using webinar technology?"

Answer:People who would normally make public presentations to 2 or more people in a boardroom, meeting room, or convention center will immediately benefit from by using webinars for their meetings.

Some examples will help you see the use of webinars to help make sales, develop information products, and save on travel expenses.
People who travel all over giving the same presentation over and over could use webinars to make that presentation without leaving their office.
Software developers or marketers can utilize webinars to show their software and get immediate feedback from existing or potential customers.
Company trainers could make a webinar presentation to their customers and prospects.  These webinars could also be recorded and turned into info-products for sale or as on-demand training programs.
Anyone can create a series of webinars and deliver them live, all over the world to their customer base. Anyon ewho has to travel worldwide will appreciate not having to endure airport security again.
Companies both, large or small, that sells product or services via online marketing will benefit from utilizing webinars.

In fact, any online business that does not do Webinars in the future will be extremely disadvantaged and will be left behind.

Copyright (c) 2009 Dail Wagner

Article From Easy Webinar Tactics.

Dail Wagner
Founder of Easy Webinar Tactics - A website dedicated to Webinar Training and Resources.

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