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Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Webinars Are the Future of Sales

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If a business can't convert customers into sales, they don't make any money. Taking it a step further, the better businesses convert sales, the more money they make, and the less work they have to do. Webinars are a great opportunity for businesses to maximize their conversions for their own product, as well as other people's product. Currently reaching anyone in the world with an internet connection, webinars will someday be able to reach even foreign language customers. With the right steps, webinars can create multiple streams of income that can maximize the profits you make, while doing something fun.

Webinars offer a much higher conversion rate, and a much higher profit than ebooks. When marketed correctly, webinars create 3 streams of income. Ebooks typically have a conversion rate of 1 for every 100. At those conversion rates, if you are paying for advertising, you may actually be spending more money than you are making. Webinars utilize the income from your own product, the product of your affiliates, and membership fees from your website to maximize your profit.

Where the ebook falls short is conversion. If only 1 of every 100 buys from you, that's 99 sales you've lost. The marketing of webinars allows you to follow any customers that didn't convert, and try to instead, recruit them for affiliate sales. Affiliates can use your webinar to sell their product, and you make a commission from their sales. After your webinar, customers are redirected to your membership website. Offering a 3 or 6 month trial membership lets customers see the value you have to offer them. At the end of their trial period, if you've offered them value, they will convert to paid members. Using this system, you've found a way to make profit far beyond the original sale you started. The passive income from membership fees alone can make a nice income to help you reach your goals.

With webinars, you have a great deal of control over the resources available to you. When you're conducting your webinar, you have the ability to mute everyone so you can be heard. Attendees can chat, or ask questions at your control. You can draw on the screen to illustrate what you are saying, and you can ask questions to gain an understanding of where your customers are coming from. Reports tell you who was listening, what their answers to polls were, and much more about your audience. Your audience has a variety of options for being involved in your webinar. Customers can chat or dial in by phone. You can also record your webinar so participants can listen later.

The internet is an ever more popular place to shop for everyone in the world. Customers like being educated, and they like new ways to learn about and buy products. No matter what your reasons for getting into business, webinars offer you a great opportunity to help others, leave a legacy, and make money for things like vacations, paying off debt, extra income, or even retirement. One day, webinars will be the way to make money on the internet. With a little work now, you could be ahead of the game, and reaching your goals years sooner than you expected.

Learning How to Set Up, Run and Making Money from Webinar Marketing will never be a problem if you know how. Click on the link How To Run A Profitable Webinar to know more if you want to run profitable webinars and learn webinar marketing!

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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