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Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Should Webinars Be Part of Your Marketing Plan?

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Core Webinar Marketing Strategies

The selection of marketing lists from your customer database, rented lists from compiled sources or through joint venture options that will make your marketing plan a success. The Webinar marketing plan starts with a list selection that will effectively reach your target market. This may include a combination of in-house or direct mail lists or email lists.

The most important part of your Webinar marketing plan is to acquire a large percentage that has influencefor your products or services.

Webinar marketing plans should include these elements:

Your customer list
Opt-in email list, outside speaker
A third party rented list

What you need to ask when developing your list strategy: What internal email lists are available, what co-sponsor or outside speaker lists can be considered, and what media or email lists have been responsive to our company's marketing efforts in the past?

After selection of the lists the next element of the marketing plan is the exciting communications plan.

Webinar Marketing Plan

The Webinar communications plan includes the plans you use to promote your Webinar and these may include a combination of e-mail, direct mail, or newspaper advertising.

Seek to get your Webinar invitation in front of as many people as possible of your target audience this may include telemarketing or direct communications by sales people, direct mail, or e-mail opt-in lists.

Consider multiple forms of direct marketing mailing lists contact lists outside of emails and online advertising with Google Pay-Per-Click or direct mail postcards. The combination of multiple channels can increase your response rate success and awareness of your event.

The general rule is that majority of registrants will respond within 10 days of your Webinar. The heart of a communications plan should include your in-house list 7 days before the Webinar and a 2nd reminder 2 days before.

One of the surest ways to recruit buyers to your Webinar is to recruit a partner with a mailing list broker that you could ad to your current prospect list. Finding a co-sponsor, or build an affiliate network to drive traffic to your Webinar.

You could coordinate resources from firms with an interest in seeing your company succeed.

Understand the strengths and weaknesses of contributing partners when planning your Webinar with outside sources.

Try to think of high perceived value, low cost bonuses, or premiums provided by third-parties that partner with you. Building a bonus with Webinar registration can offer a dramatic boost to your attendee numbers.

Examples of bonuses or premiums could include a free trial offer to software or free financial consultation for financial planners.

Once you define your audience and objectives in your Webinar marketing, the next plan would be:

Narrow the objectives for a Webinar
Create a topic that will serve as a draw to your target market
Create a compelling Webinar invitation by split testing
Develop a marketing plan for your media channels
Enlarge your email list and marketing reach by inviting a larger population consider email lists customer, prospective and even partnership lists

With the high costs of travel, postage and prospect one-on-one selling more organizations are also increasing their online marketing technologies such as Webinar. Organizations are also increasing the quantity of Webinar they hold.

Webinars are allowing marketers to reach more prospects.

Author Biography: My professional direct marketing experience began in magazine circulation management.? From this I honed my skills in list purchasing, testing, webcast management and analyzing. I learned the importance of direct response planning and budget forecasting and most importantly, providing a follow-up with back-end analysis, fulfillment of orders and inquiries. I also gained some valuable job experience with Jackson National Life Insurance as Marketing Database/Direct Mail area and with Alumni Association of the University of Michigan as Membership Manager.


Tim Little

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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