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Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Live Webinars

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Over the last ten years webinars have become more sophisticated and much more like a live seminar than they were in the beginning. The beauty of a live webinar is that it brings together people who may live on totally opposite sides of the world. Webinars are a cost effective way for a large company to gather all of their workforce together no matter where they are. Webinars are also used for regular business meetings and are a good way for employees from many different locations to be able to chat together and talk over company problems and successes.

A fully live webinar is almost as good as being in the same room as other individuals who may actually be hundreds of miles away. The best webinar services also have sound facilities while others mean that participants have to rely on a mobile phone to hear anything live. In a live webinar people can communicate on the whiteboard in real time and as the aim of a good webinar is to have everyone on the same page and talking about the same thing a live webinar is ideal.

You can save the text of a live webinar so that employees can access the data if they feel the need to revise anything or because they were absent and can now pick up information that they might have missed. Most businesses find that a live webinar is so useful, they plan to have it on a regular basis. Meeting in this way is actually much cheaper than having to make travel arrangements and possible hotel bookings for company member who live a long way out of the area.

A live webinar encourages greater interaction between the master of ceremonies and the rest of the participants, which in turn is an aid to learning. Hearing and watching something in real time means that it is far more likely to stay with us and settle in that area of the brain that holds our long term memories. Webinar material can be archived and added to as necessary, making it less work to host future seminars.

Live seminars tend to encourage deeper learning, which means that employees can digest what they have learned. Live seminars are useful in that they help students to develop greater knowledg and understanding - something that is now regarded as positive and desirable trait in personal development training. Live webinars mean that only invited participants can view the webinar, which makes this technology a much more secure way of processing information that is only meant for a select few.

If you live a long way from the headquarters of your company, then live seminars make a good place to interact with each other as employees who perhaps live offshore and do not often get to communicate with other members of the same company.

If you are looking for a reliable and affordable live webinar provider we recommend Go To Webinar. For a detailed review as well as more information on the advantages of webinars, visit

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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