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Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

How to Talk Yourself Out of Using Webinars to Increase Your Profits

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Webinars are bar none, the most effective way to make money online. So effective, in fact, that they can be utilized for just about any type of business. However, I often hear people make excuses for how a webinar just will not work for them. My question to them is, "Does generating profits work for you?" If the answer to that question is yes, then the following excuses are not for you.

1) Too busy.

I hear people say all the time that they just have too much going on to learn how to do webinars. Face it we are all busy. We all have the same 24 hours each day and they are all booked up for each of us with our different schedules. However, it is worth your time to learn how to do webinars. You will never regret making a small investment of your time to learn these powerful techniques. But I understand, maybe it really is not a time in your life when you can really devote to taking on something new. In that case, you have two options. You can simply hand the instructions over to someone else to do for you. Or you can hire someone to set them up for you.

2) Too many other projects going on.

One of the reasons you might have too much going on with your business is that you are not spending enough time in front of the right people. What I mean is you are spending too much time with non-qualified people. A webinar is a great way to qualify people. They raise their hand, you give them a base of information, you pre-sell them, and now you are talking to qualified prospects. Now you will not be as busy, or at least you will be busy in front of the right people.

3) Do not like being in front of people.

This is actually not a problem with webinars. When I run a webinar, I do not have a camera trained on my face. It is really like talking into a phone. In fact, I do talk through a phone when I run webinars. It is just like having a conversation, and I let the PowerPoint do the presenting for me. The PowerPoint keeps me on track, so even if you are shy and you are not great in front of people, it is really easy because you are just presenting information through a PowerPoint presentation. So if you can talk on a phone, and you can kind of crank your way through PowerPoint, you can certainly do this. Remember that you are not memorizing any lines. You are not trying to look good in front of people. You will not have all those butterflies in your stomach like you do standing before a crowd. It is a great, easy, relaxing way to present information.

If these excuses describe you, then you need to ask yourself if what you are giving up by continuing to make excuses is worth it to you. While I cannot make you any promises about your rate of return on webinars, I can tell you how webinars skyrocketed my rate of returns when I started using them. I can promise you that these excuses are not valid reasons to shy away from using such an amazing tool as a webinar.

Stephen Beck enjoys helping families make money through business webinars. Pick up his free online business information at so you can begin today.

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