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Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

How to Setup a Webinar

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The term webinar is gradually gaining ground in business and presentation circles. But what is a webinar? A webinar is short for web-based seminar, a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the web.

A key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements - the ability to give, receive and discuss information.

This is quite useful for new product launches. To utilise a Webinar either for a product launch or presentation requires a number of considerations.

1.) A very fast Internet connection. This will ensure that the streaming comes in quite fast.

2.) Sufficient Band-Width for your Internet Website in the neighbourhood of Gigabytes. This is essential when you consider that it is video streaming that will be going on for the entire length of the presentation. Besides, you also have to consider the number of participants that you want to open up the Webinar to.

3.) In order to keep track of those that will be a part of the Webinar, it is vital to set up an online registration form. Those who register are then given access to connect to the Webinar.

4.) You will need to specify the time and date the Webinar will hold. If however it is not date or time based you may not bother about the time and the date.

5.) You would need a high quality Camcorder or video camera to record the event - perhaps one that is able to record in High Definition mode. (Of course that's the highest quality presently available). There are lesser quality ones you could equally use.

6.) If you consider that there are different kinds of learners - audible, visual, etc, it would be a strong consideration in the packaging of the video.

7.) You would need a video software through which the Webinar will be accessed. Most of the Webinars usually utilise YouTube. There are other software also used. I'll be writing on these sometime later.

8.) Of course you have to decide if you will have some measure of physical audience at the presentation venue, or if you will be presenting directly to your online audience. (It's advisable though to have some measure of physical audience. The feedback you get from their body language, eye-contact would be useful in your further communication). Of course you already know that you need a very good venue, office, etc for this. You are presenting to the whole wide world.

To participate in a Webinar,

1.) You need a very fast Internet connection so there are no hiccups in the streaming. A very fast connection allows you to be a part of the Webinar in Real-time. You miss nothing that is being communicated, and you are able to interact effectively, particularly during question and answer sessions and comments.

2.) You will need a very good multimedia system comprising very good microphones and speakers. your audible comments will be heard by everyone that is a part of the Webinar.

3.) Of course you already know that you will need a fast computer system. Processor speeds would aid you tremendously.

4.) Finally, confirm the date and time of the Webinar and if registration is required. Keep a tab on these and have a wonderful Webinar.


Izuchukwu Ezeume

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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