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Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Webinars - A "Real-Time" Learning Experience

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Learning as well as teaching through a webinar, really makes a lot sense. A "real-time" learning experience, webinars are inexpensive to attend as well as inexpensive to present. For both the attendee and the presenter, webinars fill the need to provide a convenient source of valuable information and niche appropriate, targeted contact information to grow a client list. There are instructional, educational webinars and "sales pitch" webinars and some are a mix of both.

As a webinar attendee, you get to absorb and learn from the comfort of your own home. No need to rush to get somewhere or plan what to wear. Your learning is in your hands. You get to choose how deeply involved you will be in the listening, the learning and the discussions.

With so many experts out there teaching on trending topics, it is hard not to find a webinar that helps as you grow your business and incorporate new ideas. There are days when you may even experience two or three scheduled at the same time and have to choose which topic interest you the most! The convenience of a recorded webinar comes in handy when you can't make up your mind! - Register for more than one and receive the recordings of both. (Sometimes you may find there is a fee for the recording.)

As an instructor, the services available online make hosting a workshop very easy with extended benefits. Most programs are very user-friendly with instructional videos and on-line help. The services range from "Free" to those with a monthly charge.

A little research will pay off here. Attend workshops and see what works best as an attendee. Try the introductory offers that some services offer to test out the programs that interest you.

Once you select the service you will use, plan your topic that you will deliver and send out an invitation - If you've listened to the needs people have and the topic is what they are asking for, your webinar may have to locate a "larger" room for an overload audience. Some services limit the number of attendees. Verify this before you send out your invitation.

An astute presenter realizes, when the content in the webinar is of value and fills the needs of their listeners, they are building not only a relationship with valued customers, but a targeted contact list that will serve them over and over again as they continue to market and grow their business.

Because webinars are so convenient for learning new internet applications, programs and general knowledge, attendees willingly give contact information for the privilege of attending, building the contact list of the instructor. Most often a presentation is free for the attendee with perhaps a fee to receive the recording. If you are attending a "sales pitch", listening to the end of the presentation often gives you a link to their "very special - limited time offer".

Now you may have attended many webinars and watched as many presenters get "tripped up" by techie problems (the sound doesn't work, the recording doesn't work their screen is blank, etc) Observant folks have learned much from their problem solving techniques and how the presenters communicate with the attendees.

This may encourage you to decide to try out for yourself one of the many free (or paid) systems for a webinar of your own. You have something of value to share and determined to give it a try.

Prepare carefully. Take steps to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

* Preview the webinar application. Give yourself lots of time to become familiar with the set up - Most are straight forward with clear instructions to easily set up and get it working.

* Do a test drive ahead of time with only you present - Click buttons, check options learn how to mute and un-mute visitors, consider using a microphone or telephone.

* If possible, create a time slot for the webinar that gives you lots of "before" and "after" time for tweaking things and answering questions.

* Send out an email invitation in advance so attendees have time to plan.

* Send out a reminder email right before they are due online. Many get busy and distracted. Tell them you are starting in 15 minutes.

* Have your presentation or PowerPoint read

* Test your screen capture software and microphone.

You can never be "over prepared"; things technological always tend to "go wrong" somehow. Start early and double-check the settings. You don't intend for anything to go wrong - It is definitely more pleasant if things go smooth and easy. Breath and enjoy the interaction with your attendees.

Now - What could go wrong?

Oh boy. Just a couple of things. Usually nothing too serious. It may feel embarrassing. You will survive.

Your attendees know you are there to help them. Chat and ask for their advice. Check to make sure they see your presentation and can hear you. There are times if you don't check, you will continue on, people still in the audience, and you talking to yourself. If you are relaxed and don't stress out - the attendees are happy to help you through the "set back" so it becomes a joint adventure.

Offer your listeners a bonus if things go real bad - you've got their sign up information - send them a link to another webinar in the future - offer them a free ebook. Ask them for their feedback and responses. By being human and showing that you care, you will gain meaningful connections with people even if the technology let you down.

Have you tried doing a webinar? What is your story? What is the service you find most reliable and easy to use? I would be interested to know what you think.

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Quin Xia is currently living in China

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