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Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Choosing Webinar Software

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With webinars increasing in usage and profile, you might be confused about how to choose from all the different webinar software out there. Is it all basically the same? No, there are differences between the different webinar hosting vendors and their software. So you do indeed need to know what to look for.

Always look for desktop sharing in any webinar software. This is in fact one of the absolute most important parts of any webinar presentation. Desktop sharing lets you take control of another audience member's computer desktop and open folders or move objects, and likewise they can do the same with you. All of this is predicated upon the idea that you as the host will allow it; what's important is that you have that option. Webinars are supposed to be dynamic.

Your chosen webinar hosting vendor should also be able to integrate with all of the hottest communications and applications software like the latest and greatest IM and VoIP and e-mail programs' options. You should not have to reinvent the wheel to get a webinar hosting vendor on your desktop. They are supposed to cater to you, remember.

You are supposed to be involved with webinars partly because of flexibility. You should be able to host a meeting at any time throughout the world. If you have a vendor who is saying that you have any limits on time of hosting or limits of global reach, you should drop them and get another vendor.

Some business owners decide to take price-per-minute deals that offer freedom from flat rates or contracts in hosting their webinars. These deals might work, but only for people who are unsure how to integrate webinars into their existing business model or people who just don't plan to use them much. In other words, these deals have their place, but the odds are not with you. Flat rates paid up-front come with the benefit of lower cost in the long run if you use the webinar hosting service with any frequency; and if you're not going to use it with frequency you should probably ask yourself why you are using it in the first place. Yes, webinars are pretty much an all-or-nothing thing.

Let's be very clear: any webinar service that doesn't offer full audio-visual integration and support is not a service that you want to be paying for. Webinars are supposed to be multimedia sensations, not just time-lagged visual post-productions or audio-dominated. You should be hearing everyone in real-time and seeing all in conjunction with all else. Do you want to be in the 21st century or not?

Webinar software should also be not only easy to use, but easy to install as well. The whole point of this technology is to make things easier, faster, and cheaper. It doesn't do any good if this stuff is impossible to install or understand. If the software is not easy to use, it's likely that it's not worth using in the first place. Don't bother with it.

One of the best webinar software providers is Go To Webinar

For more information visit

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